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Less Is More With Steel Buildings in Wichita, KS

At Topline Steel Buildings, we know how important it is to create high-quality buildings that offer great value for money. That’s why we use prefabricated steel for all our buildings. This high-quality material has many advantages compared to alternatives. Perfect for any structure churches, steel barns, or any storage buildings in Kansas and across the country.

Prefabricated Steel Is Reliable

When they work with Topline Steel Buildings to erect a prefabricated steel building, Wichita, KS, residents know they are getting a structure that will last a lifetime. We are so sure of the reliability of our buildings that we offer warranties of 25 years and more. In fact, our steel buildings are typically so reliable that they carry on standing strong year after year, even with very little maintenance.

Steel Is Strong

When you need a building to be strong enough to stand up to tornadoes, choose Topline’s 26-gauge rib prefabricated steel panels, which are highly durable. These panels resist corrosion and protect against leaks. Although there’s a myth that wood is stronger than steel, this isn’t true in commercial construction projects, where steel is the material of choice.

Steel Is the Financially Savvy Choice

Although wood buildings are often cheaper to construct than steel structures, they offer cost savings in the long run. When you choose a steel building, you free yourself from the burden of maintenance costs, as well as protecting your company from financial disaster in the case of a fire. Unlike wood, steel isn’t flammable, so it won’t burn down and leave you with nothing.

We Construct Buildings Quickly

By using prefabricated steel panels, Topline Steel Buildings is able to erect buildings in roughly one third of the time that it would take to build a similar structure out of wood. Take a look at our build timeline to find out when you can expect to start using your new building.

Steel Is the Perfect Choice for Agricultural Settings

Although wood is the traditional material used by farmers, the best option today is steel agricultural buildings. St. Louis, MO farmers have recognized the benefits of steel and started constructing steel structures on their farms. Steel frames don’t require their tresses to be placed as close together as those in wood buildings, so it’s possible to create very wide openings in your steel agricultural buildings. Steel also resists rot, reducing the burden of maintenance on the farm. In fact, the only advantage of wood buildings is that they stay cooler in the summer, but that’s only relevant if you’re building a stable.

We Deliver the Design You Want

When you order a steel building from Topline Steel Buildings, you can be sure that the end result will exactly match your original design. Wood builds often throw up unexpected issues, which force construction workers to alter the original design, sometimes moving doors or windows to accommodate the necessary changes. No matter if you are building a commercial, agricultural, or storage buildings in Kansas, these problems don’t arise when using prefabricated steel. Your finished building will be exactly what you expect every time.

We Offer Superior Customer Support

When you work with Topline Steel Buildings, you will receive excellent customer support before, during and after the build. We outsource very little of the work involved in constructing a steel building, so we can always answer questions or address issues you have with any part of your structure. If high-quality support sounds appealing, get in touch with Topline Steel Buildings today to discuss your building needs.

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